Re: Ray Summers' ENT

Date: Wed Oct 11 1995 - 15:22:43 EDT wrote;
>I heard that there is a new edition of Ray Summers' >ESSENTIALS OF NEW
TESTAMENT GREEK. Has anyone had a >chance to look at it?<

I have a copy sent to me for examination. It was revised by Thomas Sawyer of
Mars Hill College. It is published by Broadman & Holman Publishers (Southern
Baptist). There have been some good improvements in presentation of
paradigms, explanations of elementary aspects of the language, and in
exersizes; but, it is still an approach that is built on the A.T. Robertson 8
case system. Some erroneous information has been eliminated (such as Dr.
Summers explanation of the verb AKOUW meaning different things with the
accusative and genitive cases as object). There are some mistakes in the
appendexes such as the citing of HXA, HKA, and HGMAI as the aorist, perfect
active, and perfect passive of AGW when they are from HKW - to arrive.

The chart of verbs in the back of the book contains several glaring errors
that would be misleading.

If a person wants a simple easy to use intro to Greek something like Bill
Mounce's book with workbook or Gerald Steven's beginning grammar with
workbook from Univ. Press of Am. would be better.

Carlton Winbery
LA College, Pineville, LA

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