A.T. Robertson

From: WINBROW@aol.com
Date: Mon Oct 09 1995 - 20:15:05 EDT

I want to say unaquivocally that I stand in awe of what A.T. Robertson
accomplished without a computer and without many of the tools that we have
today. He was a tenatious researcher who explored the Greek world far beyond
the NT. His work is dated today, but I still use the massive indexes to
explore his work cumbersome tho it is. H.E. Dana was way ahead of his time
in NT research. He did a sophisticated form critical study of John in the
little book, The Ephesian Tradition, in which he came to the same conclusions
found in C.H. Dodd's Historical Tradition in John's Gospel, and this was in
1940. Dodd's book came out I think in 1960. I have in my possession 1400
pages of notes Dana wrote (typed) on Apostolic history intending to publish
them. The latest notes were typed in 1946 and anticipate many of the
questions discussed a generation later concerning using Acts as a secondary
source and Paul as primary. He questioned whether Galatians should be dated
before the conference in Acts 15 or later with Romans. There is some great
tradition in these two giants, but modern linquistics has moved on.
Carlton Winbery
Prof. NT & Greek
LA College, Pineville, LA

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