Re: Eph 4:9 "Lower parts of the earth"

From: Rod Decker (
Date: Fri Oct 13 1995 - 18:56:44 EDT

>I'll try look at Lincoln's commentary on Ephesians (which is what Young is
>referring to) if I can find it in the seminary library or bookstore, but in
>case Lincoln doesn't provide a satisfactory answer, here are my questions, if
>someone can help:

Lincoln will provide you with an extensive discussion. You might also look
for an article by Hall Harris in BibliothecaSacra (sometime in the past few
years, don't have the ref. at home; holler if you can't find it). Harris'
dissertation was on the subject (one of the British univs., but I don't
remember which one; Aberdeen maybe?), and is to be published within the
next year (I think by Brill?). Maybe someone online here from DTS could
provide more details for us.


|=[]========================== About... ===========================|
| Rodney J. Decker Calvary Theological Seminary |
| Asst. Prof./NT 15800 Calvary Rd. |
| Kansas City, Missouri 64147 |

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