status of b-greek

From: Dale M. Wheeler (
Date: Fri Nov 24 1995 - 09:03:51 EST

>Apparently 8 days ago (Wed. Nov. 8th) the subscription list for B-Greek was
>lost, although B-Greek-Digest continued to function correctly. Last Friday
>morning when Carl Conrad checked the subscription list (with a WHO B-GREEK
>command to majordomo), he discovered that there were only two names on the
>B-Greek subscription list. On that same day (or perhaps it was already
>Saturday in Australia where it is located), the archive for B-Greek at
> was accidently lost (talk about coincidences!).

In addition to the archive maintained in Australia by James Tauber, the
GRAMCORD Institute recently began archiving b-greek (and b-hebrew) on its
WWW page ( This archive goes back to September.

I know I'm going to regret this, but if anyone has kept their digests before
the date 9/11 (#856) and wishes to send them to me, I'll make sure they get
into the GRAMCORD archive (and try to make sure they get to James Tauber and
b-greek itself).

Three related questions:

1. Does anyone have any objections to the removal from the archive the ads
for books, etc. ??
2. Does anyone have any objections to the removal of the
subscribe/unsubscribe messages?
3. Is there going to be a problem with the numbering system on the digest,
since the b-greek started at #1 again after the crash...and if there is, is
there someway to reset the counter at the domain ??

Dale M. Wheeler, Th.D.
Chair, Biblical Languages Dept Multnomah Bible College
8435 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97220
Voice: 503-251-6416 FAX:503-254-1268 E-Mail:

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