Re: tag line

From: John Calvin Hall (
Date: Tue Dec 05 1995 - 16:50:18 EST

At 10:48 AM 12/4/95 CST, you wrote:

>>Original message sent on Sat, Dec 2 9:12 PM by (John
Calvin Hall) :

>>...Modern Textual Criticism and Biblical Textual Criticism are not the same.
>This is an interesting comment, and I'm wondering what you mean by it.

When I was a student, I ran across a problem that I was faced with
concerning Textual Criticism. I have always found the subject to be quite
interesting yet the basic philosophies of Modern Textual Criticism goes
against biblical dogmas. The Bible teaches that God has promised to
preserve His Word for all generations, while the basic purpose for Modern
Textual Criticism is to "recover" the original text.

Another thing I have noticed with Modern Textual Criticism is the emphasis
on Human Intellect. Many Bible Scholars believe that it is possible to
determine what God originally gave us(or get close enough to the original)
through the strength of reasoning and intellect. This also goes against
what God tells us in Isaiah that His ways are higher than our ways, and His
thoughts higher than our thoughts.

For me to accept the tenants of Modern Textual Criticism, I would have to
reject the teachings of Scripture. This would be out of the question.

Biblical Textual Criticism [BTC] and Modern Textual Criticism [MTC] are
different in their foundational authority and in their purpose. While MTC's
authority comes from human intellect and reasoning, BTC's authority is
Scripture. The purpose of MTC is to "recover" the original text of the NT,
the purpose for BTC is to "identify" the original text of the NT.

John Calvin Hall
Pensacola, Florida

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