Aland's Computer-Konkordanz

From: Edward Hobbs (
Date: Fri Dec 29 1995 - 13:48:11 EST

The inquiry about a place to purchase the Aland Computer-Konkordanz (I assume
the "Komputer" is a mis-spelling--I have the orignal German 2-vol. ed,
the later 1-vol., and the English-title-page editions, with Computer
always spelled thus) can be answered in perhaps two ways.
        (1) Christian Book Distributors (Peabody, MA) listed it last year,
at $84.95 plus shipping (stock # 15700). Their new catalog does not
list it, but my guess is that they still have one or two, since dropping it
usually means they had low (or no) sales. Phone: 508-977-5000.
        (2) De Gruyter has a New York office-distribution center, in
addition to their headquarters in Berlin. I don't have the street address
handy, but any book-store should be able to find it (in Books in Print).
Our library is closed till Jan. 2nd, or I'd go look it up for you here.

Edward Hobbs

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