Bible Software

Date: Tue Jan 16 1996 - 19:36:10 EST

I am about to come to a final decision about which Bible software package to
sink my money into, but I am having a very difficult time! I am struggling
between BibleWorks for Windows and Bible Windows. I have tried to gather as
much information as I can, but I would really like to hear from someone who
has tried one or the other package (or ideally both). Yes, I have already
visited Harry Hahne's web site, and unfortunately he only reviews BibleWorks
2.2.2 and Bible Windows 3.0. There is already a BibleWorks 3.x and Bible
Windows 4.0 (yes, I have also visited John Baima's web pages).

I am a New Testament doctoral student at the Graduate Theological Union
(Berkeley), and therefore I am seeking the software with the very best
original languages capabilities. Thank you for any help you can give me.

Sorry this is somewhat off topic. I figured there would be no better place to
elicit a response about Bible software designed for biblical scholars.

Kevin L. Anderson
Concord, CA

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