transliteration on B-Greek

From: Bruce Terry (
Date: Tue Jan 30 1996 - 14:47:57 EST

On Tue, 30 Jan 1996, Kevin Paszalek wrote:

>Is there a file showing the standard transliteration used in this group?

This is on the archive, but the software there compresses the white space so
as to make it unusable, so I post it again.

There is no standard transliteration scheme on B-Greek. However, most people
will use one of the following six schemes. Note that these schemes use either
upper case or lower case, not both, since a change in case may signify a
different letter.

LETTERS TLG/CCAT Simplified Modified Standard
ACCENTS Beta Code CAPS Lower CAPS Lower Digraph

alpha A A a A a a
beta B B b B b b
gamma G G g G g g
delta D D d D d d
epsilon E E e E e e
zeta Z Z z Z z z
eta H H E H E E
theta Q Q q Q q th
iota I I i I i i
kappa K K k K k k
lambda L L l L l l
mu M M m M m m
nu N N n N n n
xi C C c X x x
omicron O O o O o o
pi P P p P p p
rho R R r R r r
sigma S S s S s s
tau T T t T t t
upsilon U U u U u u
phi F F f F f ph
chi X X x C c ch
psi Y Y y V v ps
omega W W O W O O
digamma V f w
koppa q q

iota subscript | i i
smooth breathing )
rough breathing ( h ( h h h
acute accent / / / /
circumflex accent = @ = ~
grave accent \ \ \ \
diaeresis +

The following are the same for all schemes.

upper case *
 (following character is upper case)
apostrophe '
hyphen -
comma ,
period .
raised dot (colon) :
question mark :
dash _

Note that both medial and final sigma are transliterated the same.

Accents are usually omitted for all schemes except TLG unless they are
necessary for the sense of the post.

Breathing marks and the * to indicate upper-case are written at the beginning
of the word.

Accents and diacritical marks are written directly after the coding for the
character above and below which they are located in the source document. They
follow the second character of a diphthong.

Note on TLG/CCAT Beta code keyboard layout: This was originally created to
enable appropriate software programs to translate TLG coded texts into
different Greek fonts used by different platforms.

Bruce Terry E-MAIL:
Box 8426, ACU Station Phone: 915/674-3759
Abilene, Texas 79699 Fax: 915/674-3769

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