TR Greek source available?

From: Andy Sharples (
Date: Thu Feb 15 1996 - 02:27:45 EST

I have a request for information.

I have an assignment to translate the John 1-3 from Greek (Textus Receptus)
into English. I have Online Bible for Mac, whose Greek texts do not contain
any punctuation, capitalization, breathings, accents, or subscripts.

Is there an online version of the TR out there (Web, FTP, etc), *with*
breathings and accents? It doesn't have to be OLB compatible, just Mac


| This book of the law shall not depart | Andy Sharples
| out of thy mouth; but thou shalt medi- | Huntsville, AL
| tate therein day and night, that thou |
| mayest observe to do according to all | <IXOYE><
| that is written therein: for then thou |
| shalt make thy way prosperous, and |
| then thou shalt have good success. |
| (Joshua 1:8). |

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