b-hebrew & b-greek archives

From: Paul A. Miller (pmiller@gramcord.org)
Date: Wed Feb 21 1996 - 19:44:27 EST

Because of changes in GRAMCORD Institute staffing, we had to suspend work on
our GRAMCORD Institute WWW site for a period of time. (The recent string of
natural disasters here in the Portland area hasn't helped much either!)

Thus, as some of you have observed, we have not expanded the b-greek &
b-hebrew forum archives for some time now. Fortunately, we have a new WWW
technician joining us next week and hope to have the archives fully
functioning as time permits. In addition to various technical issues we must
address, our Internet provider requires that we observe various
firewall/security procedures that complicate the creation of search
utilities, etc. so we are finding the process somewhat tedious. (Moreover, I
want to write a filter to remove all of the bogus magazine solicitations and
subscribe/unsubscribe messages!) Also, the fact that The GRAMCORD Institute
is within the United States exposes us to various kinds of "litigation risk"
in maintaining a forum archive that a party outside the U.S. probably
doesn't have to worry about. (Until there is some kind of tort reform in
this country, it seems that almost everything we do places us at potential
risk.) Accordingly, we have had to "slow down" and take prudent preventative
measures even in something as "simple" as offering a public forum archive.

At any rate, we apologize for the delays. We had truly hoped to have the
site fully-functional by Christmas but as with most non-profit organizations
we often find ourselves with more projects than people. Now that we are
supporting all three platforms (DOS, Windows, & Macintosh), we have been
extremely busy. Something had to "give" in the process, and as a result our
www.gramcord.org site has had to remain "under construction." Hopefully, our
new website technician will get things back on track soon.

I will post an announcement when the archives are updated and functioning.
Again, our apologies for the delay.
Prof. Paul A. Miller (Email: pmiller@GRAMCORD.org)
The GRAMCORD Institute
2218 NE Brookview Dr., Vancouver, WA 98686, U.S.A.
Voice (360)576-3000; FAX (503)761-0626; Homepage: http://www.GRAMCORD.org
Computer-Assisted Biblical Language Research (IBM & MAC)

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