Re: Levitas levitatum et omnia levitas

Date: Sat Apr 13 1996 - 11:21:47 EDT

        Your response to my brief note warmed my heart! I needed it, since
snow on Easter and the next day (only 8 inches) was followed Tuesday-Wednesday
by 18 inches more. Not much of an Easter week--but not as sad as your
Easter. Your experience reminded me of both my father's funeral in 1978
(at age 85) and my mother's in 1990 (at age 92), even to my father's being
on frozen ground and deep snow. The local preacher in case (the guy who
visited each of them in the last weeks of life) talked dreadful nonsense;
it was all I could do, to find a shovelful of dirt to throw on the coffin,
to say the classic prayers and a piece of the Kaddish over it, before the
preacher quickly explained that my father wasn't really dead, but no doubt
leaping about on the golden streets of heaven, after being paralyzed for
his last 20 years on earth!

        Your words about my Sarah-laughed remark prompt me to think that
you might enjoy a homily I preached last summer on this very triple-Deutung
naming. So I've converted to ASCII-code (losing all diacritics and special
characters in the process), and will forward it to you shortly.



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