Re > Intermediate Grammar

From: Eric Weiss (
Date: Tue Apr 16 1996 - 12:17:27 EDT

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Comments by: Eric Weiss@OSP@ACF.DAL

I understand my message on intermediate Greek grammars got garbled in
transmission. Here it is again (readable, I hope).

   -------------------------- [Original Message] -------------------------
AND EXEGETICAL APPROACH by Richard A. Young, Broadman & Holman, 1994. Dr.
Young has requested help from this group in identifying errors/typos in the
first edition (there are a few, the most noticeable being that the subject
index references were thrown off by the insertion of blank pages between
chapters). Our intermediate/advanced Greek teacher likes this book a lot
because of its linguistics approach (our teacher's specialty), an aspect
which is lacking in almost all the other intermediate grammars. For the same
reason he also likes much of Eugene Van Ness Goetchius' LANGUAGE OF THE NEW
TESTAMENT as a supplemental beginning Greek textbook.

Our teacher also highly recommends:
        Brooks and Winbery SYNTAX OF NEW TESTAMENT GREEK -- very economical
        and very good.
        Robertson and Davis A NEW SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE GREEK TESTAMENT (1933;
        unfortunately, this is out of print -- make sure you get the "NEW"
        short grammar if you can find it in a used bookstore)

He is awaiting Daniel Wallace's BEYOND THE BASICS intermediate grammar, the
next grammar book in the William Mounce series by Zondervan. This should be
out in May, almost a year after it was first expected to be released. (We
were going to use it this year, but publication was delayed.) Dallas
Theological Seminary students have been working with draft copies of the
first half of the book (Daniel Wallace teaches at DTS, I understand) -- maybe
some of them who are on this list could comment.

Just about every other book he's mentioned or recommended or that I've heard
about has been discussed by someone on this list, either in response to this
query or in the discussion that is in the archives from last year.

(Note: I found Ward Powers' book (TEACH YOURSELF NEW TESTAMENT GREEK (?))
extremely tough going for a person trying to learn beginning Greek on his own
as I attempted to do with it a dozen or so years ago. Now that I've had
1-1/2 years of Greek in a classroom setting, maybe I'll dig it out and look
at it again as an intermediate Greek reference tool.)

In intermediate Greek we used Murray Harris' Exegetical Commentary on
Colossians (and Philemon), the first volume in a proposed 20-volume series.
There was a lot of good grammatical information in the commentary and this
inductive approach to learning grammar was very helpful (when supplemented by
Richard Young's INTERMEDIATE grammar).

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