"Too Young To Die" show- Help Needed

From: Doug W Jantz (dwjantz@juno.com)
Date: Wed Jun 05 1996 - 01:45:18 EDT

On Saturday, May 27, TBN aired a show about 3 people with AIDS, hosted by
Josh McDowell. It was entitled _Too Young To Die_. I taped the show to
show to the youth group here and several groups of parents. Well, I
marked the wrong tape and I found out this morning I had taped over it
last week. (Of course, this came after announcing to the church
yesterday that I would be showing this tonight!)
Did anyone else tape this? Or do you know someone who did? Maybe someone
in your church has taped it. Could you find out? If possible I would
like to get a copy, or borrow it to make a copy. Please email me
directly if you can help.


Doug Jantz
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