Re: Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: host not found)

From: Carl (Mac) McMurray (
Date: Thu Jun 20 1996 - 16:14:36 EDT

Hello All,
I saw a recent reference to Sharp's rule on KAI. Could someone define this
rule for me? What is it?

Thanks in advance,
"Things are more like they are right now than they have ever been."
                                              - former President Gerald Ford
Carl (Mac) McMurray Off/machine (317) 852-4645
P.O. Box 184 24 hr. FAX (317) 852-0334
Brownsburg, IN 46112 email at
                email me for a snailmail subscription to
                       THE RUSSIAN UPDATE,
       published monthly in the interest of evangelism in the
                           former Soviet Union

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