From: Cepuch, Pete (AZ15) (
Date: Tue Jul 09 1996 - 23:10:47 EDT

I've also found the discussion useful and I admit thinkin' the same indeed the "hick from nazereth" was something for which
the "modern-scholarship" of His day had no use-well generally speaking
:)--Nicodemas sure seemed a bit nervous about talking to
Him--But truly the most interesting thing is that He was addressed as
RaBI by all, even those who were opposed to Him.
Thanks to all who contributed to the" NT scholars messages" as, indeed,
there is so much to study and so little time....
Date: Tuesday, July 09, 1996 4:44PM

I have been reading the recent messages on "what New Testament
scholars need to know" with great interest. As a theological librarian
trying to build a good collection, the discussion
has been most useful. I wonder if others are struck by the same irony that
haunts me, however, and that is that the central figure of the NT, Jesus,
would not have qualified for admission to any of these programs. I've no
particular axe to grind by saying so, but there might be a great deal of
difference in
saying that we know something about the NT and following the
one we have come to love through the literature of the NT. Well,
my proper role on this list is probably as a "lurker" and to
that role I now return.

Fred Guyette
Erskine College and Seminary

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