Re: Romans 1:17 EK P-EIS P Jew/Gentile

Date: Fri Jul 26 1996 - 05:07:10 EDT

James Vallenga,
you suggested to interprete PISTIS in Romans often as genitivus subjectivus
- the commitment of God. Very interesting - even if you can't explain all
passages with pistis in this way.
May I add that the famous Karl Barth in his "Roemerbrief" from 1922 (first
work of the "Dialektische Theologie") uses a very similar interpretation and
tries to translate PISTIS nearly everywhere as "Treue Gottes" (~God's
His translation of Rom 1,17 for all who know German:
"Denn die Gerechtigkeit Gottes enthuellt sich in ihr (der Heilsbotschaft):
aus Treue dem Glauben, wie geschrieben steht: Der Gerechte wird leben aus
meiner Treue."
(Karl Barth, Der Roemerbrief, Zuerich 15.ed.1989, p.11. compare his preface
ibd. p XXIV.)

Greetings from Germany
Christoph Klaiber

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