Re: Luke 23:43 - Where does the comma go?

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Wed Jul 31 1996 - 18:05:28 EDT

>Gentlemen and scholars,
>I notice that in Luke 23:43 'Truly I tell you today you will be with me
>in paradise,' the W&H text has the comma after 'today' whereas the
>common bible translations have the comma before today. Where does the
>comma go ?
>Larry Kruper

The position of a comma is a modern editorial decision. Early Greek
manuscripts, e.g. the Chester Beatty papyri, had no punctuation of any
kind. The parallel in Luke 19:9 suggests that SHMERON in Luke usually comes
at the beginning of the sentence of clause, hence "Today you will be with
me ....

Hope this note helps.

Edgar Krentz
Prof. of New Testament, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 East 55th Street, Chicago, IL 60615
TEl.: Office: 312-256-0752; Home: 312-947-8105

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