Infinitives and Participles

From: Richard Lindeman (
Date: Mon Aug 19 1996 - 11:30:49 EDT

I have noted that there is a great similarity in the uses
of the infinitive and of the participle. There are essentially
four primary uses of the infinitive:

1. For supplementing a verb.

2. For the formation of an independent clause - otherwise
   known as the articular infinitive.

3. As a noun substitute - gerund.

4. For indirect discourse.

Parallel to this are the following uses of a participle:

1. Supplementary to a verb... supplementary participle

2. For the formation of an independent clause - otherwise
   known as the circumstantial participle.
3. As a noun substitute... substantive use of participle

4. For indirect discourse.

I'm not sure that I have ever seen an infinitive used as an
adjective... being used in the attributive position as is often
the case with a participle. But I would not be surprised if
such examples did in fact exist.

Just sharing some recent thoughts.

Rich Lindeman

           International Society of Online Christians
            "Meeting the future boldly with Christ!" 2155 Northdale Blvd NW - Coon Rapids, MN 55433

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