Logos/BibleWorks Comparison

From: Randy Leedy (RLEEDY@wpo.bju.edu)
Date: Tue Sep 03 1996 - 14:41:01 EDT


The review I have mentioned on the list a few times, comparing
BIBLEWORKS and LOGOS, is now ready. Lord willing, it will appear in
print in the upcoming issue of BIBLICAL VIEWPOINT, the semi-annual
journal of the School of Religion at Bob Jones University.

Subscription rates for VIEWPOINT are low; the journal aims especially
for pastors with academic interest rather than for professional
scholars. The review contains information on how to subscribe.

I can email a copy of the review in ASCII format to anyone who may
wish to see it. Please reply off the list. [The half-dozen or so who
have already requested it need not do so again; your copy is on the
way. If it does not arrive soon, something must have gone wrong;
please let me know.]

In Love to God and Neighbor,
Randy Leedy
Bob Jones University
Greenville, SC

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