Re: 2 Thess. 6-7

Date: Tue Sep 03 1996 - 13:08:57 EDT

Paul, I find your suggestion of treating the EIS clause as purpose on God's
part interesting, because I have considered this same idea elsewhere in the
gospels (e.g. Matt 2:15) where it appears that a purpose clause does not make
good sense in the normal way. I'm still reluctant to go that route because of
normal grammar and am inclined to attribute it to translation Greek--maybe
some of the other veterans have some thoughts on this. Assuming this as a
possibility for the moment, I don't have much trouble with the GAR in v. 7,
and to the contrary I wonder what you do with O KATECWN in v. 7 and hO
ANOMOS in v. 8. Don't these all have to be referring to the same person by
your interpretation? It appears to me that hO KATECWN is subtly contrasted
in v. 7 to MUSTHRION, as it is also to hO ANOMOS in v. 8.

Don Wilkins
UC Riverside

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