Re: 2 Thess 2:6

Date: Sat Sep 07 1996 - 01:06:31 EDT

There seems to be an important factor that has been overlooked in the
discussion of the EIS CLAUSE IN 2 THESS 2:6. Note that the object TO KATEXON
precedes the verb, thus empahsizing the audience. If Paul had constructed the
clause in normal Greek order it would have been verb (subject implied)
object. The following EIS clause would then naturally be tied to the
participle. If the the EIS clause directly followed TO KATEXON in its present
order (in other words the EIS clause being be between the object and the
verb) then OIDATE would be emphasized because it would be occurring at the
end of the clause. Therefore, it seems to me that if Paul wanted to emphasize
TO KATEXON and tie the EIS clause to it, then the present word order would be
the most natural way of doing so.

Charles Powell

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