TST Biblical Dept. Seminars (Update)

From: Tyler Williams (twilliam@chass.utoronto.ca)
Date: Mon Sep 23 1996 - 17:10:55 EDT

Below, FYI, is an *updated* schedule for the Toronto School of Theology
Biblical Department Seminars (there is a date chage for the second
seminar, from Oct 17 to Oct 10). The seminars are open to the broader
academic community. If you have any questions concerning the seminars in
general or if you are interested in presenting a paper in a future seminar,
please contact one of the coordinators (see below). If you have a
particular question concerning a paper, please contact the presenter
directly via e-mail.

Feel free to visit our web page:


Finally, please accept my apologies for cross postings.

           Toronto School of Theology Biblical Department Seminars
                      The University of Toronto
                          Fall Semester 1996

*September 26
                   John Harvey, Ph.D. (cand.)
                        Wycliffe College

  "The Deuteronomistic Historian's Inversion of Stories in Genesis"

By the time of the Exile, the Tetrateuch (Genesis-Numbers) had become
authoritative, such that its narratives served as paradigms for
the so-called Deuteronomistic Historian (Dtr) in his recounting of
stories in Joshua-2 Kings. Though at times Dtr faithfully followed the
paradigms that were afforded by the Tetrateuch, in this paper I will
discuss three instances in the book of Judges in which Dtr inverted a
Tetrateuchal paradigm in order to underline the concern of the given
narratives. Following this, I will briefly discuss the implications that
my study has for redaction criticism and historiography in the
Deuteronomistic History.

*October 10
                   Alicia Batten, Ph.D. (cand.)
                        Emmanuel College

              "An Asceticism of Resistance in James"

Recent studies of asceticism have examined how it functions as a form of
social resistance or cultural critique. This paper will explore
resistance in James both in terms of personal ethics and at the political
level. These patterns of resistance include a denunciation of the world,
but they do not lead to a passive retreat from the world. Rather, they
promote an active engagement and struggle with personal and political
vices. James' "asceticism of resistance" offers another example of how
the ascetic impulse can serve a humane and constructive purpose.

*November 7
                   Tyler F. Williams, Ph.D. (cand.)
                        Wycliffe College

               "Psalters, Scrolls, and Prayerbooks:
          A Reassessment of the So-called Qumran Psalter."

The so-called "Qumran Psalter," represented principally by 11QPs-a, has
perhaps provoked more debate than any other biblical manuscript among the
scrolls from the Judean desert. At the forefront of this discussion has
been James A. Sanders, who has contended that 11QPsa represents a true
"canonical" Psalter that gives witness to the "fluid" and "open ended"
character of the book of Psalms before the first century CE. While
Sanders' views have not gone unchallenged, there has been a curious
lacunae in the ensuing debate: with the exception of the passing
references of a few scholars, the witness of the LXX Psalter has not been
taken into account. This paper will seek to redress this lacunae and
offer a fresh perspective on our understanding the Psalter(s) at Qumran.

*December 12
              Andrew Lincoln, Professor of New Testament
                         Wycliffe College

                         "Earthing Ethics:
   The Place of the Household Code in the Paraenesis of Colossians."

There has been much recent scholarly discussion about the origins of the
household code, but not so much attention has been paid to why the code
makes its first appearance in early Christian literature in the letter to
the Colossians. This paper will explore some of the factors that may have
been at work in the inclusion and function of the adapted code within the
argument of Colossians.

**NB: After this seminar we are planning to go out for dinner as a group.
Everyone will pay her or his own way. All are invited to come.

All seminars are held in the Cody Library, Wycliffe College, 5 Hoskin
Ave, Toronto, ON. They begin at 4:10 and conclude at 5:30 p.m.
Refreshments will be served compliments of contributing TST colleges and
student associations.

Any questions, comments, requests for information, and/or offers to
present papers can be directed to one of the seminar coordinators:

        Bob Derrenbacker; NT, Wycliffe College
        531-2626; derrenba@chass.utoronto.ca

        Tyler Williams; OT/HB, Wycliffe College
        963-9082; twilliam@chass.utoronto.ca

Also feel free to visit our web page at:


                            Tyler F. Williams
     Wycliffe College, Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto
 Phone:(416) 963-9082 * Fax:(416) 979-0471 * E-mail:twilliam@chass.utoronto.ca

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