Re: LXX Concordance

From: Nichael Lynn Cramer (
Date: Thu Oct 24 1996 - 22:44:20 EDT

Phil wrote:
>>Someone recently asked me this question, so I am passing it on to b-greek:
>>"Is there a work similar to the Englishman's Greek Concordance to the New
>>Testament - except for the Septuagint? Thank you!"
>I have "A Concordance of the Septuigent", compiled by George Morrish, a
>Bagster reprint from 1970, although it is clearly a much older work than
>that. It is far from exhaustive, only 284 pages including an appendix. It
>was inexpensive and did the job until Logos came along.

The standard "Concordance to the Septuagint" is, of course, the full,
exhastive three volume set by Hatch and Redpath --although I'm not sure if
it's currently in print. In any case it bears little resemblance to the
Englishman's Concordances.


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