Re: KJV Translators preface

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Fri Nov 15 1996 - 07:28:30 EST

Randy Leedy wrote;
>I recently received an inquiry whether there is currently in print,
>in pamphlet form, an edition of the translators preface to the King
>James Version, which is entitled "The Translators to the Reader." I
>am aware of several Bibles that contain this preface, but I do not
>know of any publishers currently printing it as a separate item (I do
>have a 1982 pamphlet, but I have not yet been able to reach the
>publisher.) I would appreciate any leads on this question. Thanks.
I do not know of a publication of the preface alone. Geddes McGregor,
_Literary History of the Bible_ contains the full text of the preface. I'm
not sure that that book is still in print. F.F. Bruce,_History of the
English Bible_ has sections of the preface but not the complete text.

I've been very busy the last two weeks, hardly time to read the posts.
I've enjoyed the discussions. Hope to join in more soon.

Carlton L. Winbery
Fogleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Fax (318) 442-4996
Phone (318) 487-7241

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