[Fwd: Re: Priority of LXX for NT meaning]

From: Lee R. Martin (lmartin@voyageronline.net)
Date: Sat Nov 16 1996 - 03:26:32 EST

attached mail follows:

> Should it have priority over classical usus loquendi. For example,
> the meaning of KEFALH, head, seems to borrow from the Hebrew metaphor
> of ROSH as "source" in Eph 4:15. Cervin, in an article in 1989
> (JAAR) writes "the meaning 'source' is indeed very rare." He sites
> four examples in the classics (but in the plural, not singular).
> If the meaning "source" is rare in the classics, it seems the LXX
> has influenced it's use in the Eph 4:15 especially in the light that
> the author has just quoted Psalms 68:18 within the context (v.8).

Please refresh my memory. At the moment, I cannot remember anywhere
that the Hebrew RoSH means "source." However, since the word is used
over 600 times, you are probably right, and I could have missed the ones
that you speak of.

Lee R. Martin
Part-Time Instructor in Hebrew and Biblical Studies
Church of God Theological Seminary
Cleveland, TN 37311
Pastor, Prospect Church of God

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