Re: Software for Biblical Studies

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Thu Nov 28 1996 - 05:29:00 EST

Mark O'Brien wrote;
>I'm still trying to digest why anybody would spend their time making the
>Mac version of this software better than the Windows version, given that
>the vast majority of PC users don't use Macs!! Besides anything else, it
>just doesn't seem to make good business sense. I'm still waiting for the
>Windows version to catch up before I make the investment.
I'm still trying to figure out why anyone would use a DOS machine when I
was doing things on a Mac in 1984 that are still more difficult to do even
on windows. (I switched for a while.)

Carlton L. Winbery
Fogleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Fax (318) 442-4996
Phone (318) 487-7241

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