
From: Stephen C. Carlson (
Date: Tue Dec 17 1996 - 22:12:59 EST

At 07:34 12/16/96 -0500, Rod Decker wrote:
>I have another relevant article to be published in the innaugural issue of
>_Journal of Ministry and Theology_ (JOMAT) this spring: _The Use of EUTHUS
>("immediately") in Mark_. In brief it will argue that English translations
>and commentaries on the Gospel of Mark often translate EUTHUS as
>"immediately." This ignores the semantic range of EUTHUS and often results
>in over-exegeting. A sensitivity to Mark's distinctive use of EUTHUS as
>both an adverb of rapidity and as a conjunction suggests that a variety of
>English equivalents are needed in translation.

I've come across a theory by Harold Riley, THE MAKING OF MARK: An
Exploration (Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1989) 215-18, that:

        "When the word EUQUS corresponds to an equivalent word
        in Matthew and/or Luke, it requires the sense of
        'immediately.' When there is no corresponding word,
        the more natural translation is in almost every instance
        'then.' [Discussion of Mk6:25 27 counterexample omitted.]"

Naturally, Riley would like the reader to conclude that the
Griesbach Hypothesis is correct, but what I would like to know
is whether Riley correct on the data. If he is, then only
relatively few of Mark's EUQUS instances mean "immediately."
Is that what the article finds?

Stephen Carlson

Stephen C. Carlson                   : Poetry speaks of aspirations,              : and songs chant the words. :               -- Shujing 2.35

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