Follow the star ... more

From: Vanetten.Edward (
Date: Wed Dec 18 1996 - 17:41:01 EST

     Luke 2:
     1. Shepherds saw the "babe lying in a manger"
     2. No star is mentioned
     3. Shepherds would be very familiar with
        changes in the heavens since they're
        outside at night so much
     4. Shepherds needed angels to tell them
        Christ was born in Bethlehem and how
        to recognize him. (vs 11,12)
     Matthew 2:
     1. Herod asked the wise men when they
        last saw the star (v. 7)
     2. Jesus is described as a "young child"
        several times living in a "house"
        (vs. 9,11,13,14)
     3. Herod orders death of children 2 years
        and under based upon what the wise men
        told Herod when they last saw the star
        (v. 16)
     4. Wise men needed another celestial event to
        tell them where Jesus was (v 9)
     Conclusion: A year or two elapsed between
     when the shepherds saw Jesus in the manger
     and when the Wise men visited him in a house.
     Ed Van Etten
     Ontario, California

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