Deponents and APOKRIQHN

From: David Long (
Date: Mon Jan 20 1997 - 11:44:43 EST

The idea of thinking about "deponents" the way a Greek would, as truly
middle, made a lot of sense to me. However, I'm perplexed with how I should
understand APKRIQHN as a passive, e.g., in John 5:7:


As a side question, a quick glance at the concordance showed that John
didn't use the participle of APOKRINOMAI that's so common elsewhere (the
quick glance at least took in Matthew) in the phrase "Answering, he said,
...". What is the significance of the phrase and its absence in John?

David Long
Software Engineer, Strata Group, St. Louis, MO
314.770.9749 fax: 314.770.9699

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