Placing more Greek New Testament on the WWW

Date: Thu Feb 27 1997 - 03:40:24 EST


  I realize this is not specifically about a Greek passage and specific
  However, I am working with the ABMC (Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center) at
Claremont as they prepare their web site...
  Any good ideas as to other links that they should consider for their pages?
  Has anyone run into any technical problems with similar pages?
  They plan a scholarly searcheable database of manuscripts and an intense
graphic of some of the items for general viewing...
  They of course have OT as well....


  Should my bookmarks not fail I already have some of your pages marked for
consideration...Or, at least I did...I do - it's on netscape...But, should
you have some extra's in that prodigious memory...

Thanks one and all,

Wayne Royce Allison
An Aspiring Greek Student

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