From: Sam Johnson (buddy@connecti.com)
Date: Fri Feb 28 1997 - 21:48:34 EST

I believe I started this whole thing on Modern Greek pronunciation
versus Erasmian. I thank everyone for their comments and opinions. I am
amazed how many have never considered Modern Greek pronunciation. I
still think there is a lot of misunderstanding on this subject. It seems
from the many personal suggestions I received that there are some who
think if you learn Modern Greek pronunciation you can not learn Koine
grammer. To learn the Greek N.T. takes years of love and labor but I am
convinced now that Modern greek pronunciation is the best way to teach a
new student.(If they ever go to Greece they will be phonetically
 Obviously there are those who might disagree but I did not mean to
cause division but only to teach 2 students the most efficient way
possible. The effectiveness of any method is still founded on a teacher
willing to give the student his all and the student being diligent in
his studies. Plus Rom 1:16-17 sounds so much better in Modern Greek than

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