Re: Logic biblical?

From: Will Wagers (
Date: Sat Jun 07 1997 - 15:13:06 EDT

Paul Dixon - Ladd Hill Bible Church wrote:
> Just one example. Did you follow the discussion in 1 Jn 2:19? If we
> understand the rules of logic regarding the conditional and its
> contrapositive, then that passage can really come alive. The logic there
> says a conditional implies the contrapositive. This cannot be rejected.
> It is always true, not a variable. The conditional "If A, then B" will
> always imply its contrapositive, "if not B, then not A."

It seems to be that this could be a helpful or dangerous technique.
Since in most writing people are not formally employing "logic" and,
certainly, are not thinking simultaneously in terms of contrapositives,
the author's meaning could quite easily be distorted into a form
unrecognizable or unacceptable to him.



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