Re: Thiering Conjecture

From: Jim Oxford (
Date: Wed Jun 18 1997 - 07:40:05 EDT

At 12:05 AM 6/18/97, Nagase wrote:

Dear Masami,

>Doesn't someone in this list take serious the Thiering Conjecture?
>Barbara Thiering put the conjecture in "Jesus the Man" that
>'pesher technique' suggested in Dead Sea Scrolls would reveal
>hidden meanigs of NT, concluding that Jesus survived crucifixion,
>married twice, had a family with 3 children, taught in Rome
>and Minor Asia, and live more than 76 years old.

The above conjecture pretty much speaks for itself and why scarcely any
biblical scholar finds her work compelling.


Jim Oxford, Jr.
PhD candidate in Religion
Baylor University

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