Re: "The Stealth Bible Exposed"

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Mon Jun 23 1997 - 20:37:30 EDT

At 06:25 PM 6/23/97 EDT, Paul S. Dixon wrote:
>Sorry for the previously sent message, Jonathan. It was completely
>inadvertent. But, since I have you, thanks for the good interaction. I
>may yet get back to you on some of it, but in general I think we are in
>the same ball park.
I'm glad to hear that - sometimes I think we spend far too much time
fighting about things we haven't taken the time to understand, but when
people from all sides look carefully at the real issues, we find that we
aren't so far apart after all. That seems to happen a *lot* here in B-Greek,
which is one of the fun things about this list.


Jonathan Robie
POET Software, 3207 Gibson Road, Durham, N.C., 27703

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