Re: "The Stealth Bible Exposed"

From: James H. Vellenga (
Date: Tue Jun 24 1997 - 13:00:53 EDT

> From: (Paul S. Dixon)
> Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 12:43:03 EDT
> It is entirely possible that ANQRWPOI and ADELPHOI (which often
> refer to men and brothers respectively and exclusively but never
> refer to women and sisters respectively and exclusively) are used
> as a way of viewing or addressing the general population through
> its male leadership. If men are the heads of their families, for
> example, then an address or reference to them is an address or
> reference to their bodies, their wives, and to their families.
> If so, then to translate ANQRWPOI and ADELPHOI as "mankind"
> and "brothers and sisters" respectively would miss the mark.
> It would ignore the male leadership motif.

Maybe, but in my attempts to translate systematically (or
as some would say "hyperliterally") I haven't found any cases
that seemed to require a specifically male sense to the word.
I would be interested to find a specific passage where it
made a real difference. I'm wondering if one doesn't have to
assume "the male leadership motif" in order to find it from
the texts.

It does appear, from collateral historical reading that I have
done, that elders and their wives ministered separately within
households -- the elders to the men, and their wives to the
women and children, respectively.

When Paul talks about relations between husbands and wives, he
uses ANER/ANDR- in the passages that come readily to mind.

There is one place where I have translated a possibly generic
ADELFOS as "brother" rather than "brother [or sister]" --
namely, Matthew 18.21 -- but that is because it occurred to
me that, when Peter asks how many times he should forgive his
brother, he might be asking about Andrew.


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