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From: Chris A Vlachos (chreemann@juno.com)
Date: Thu Jul 03 1997 - 11:06:18 EDT


        I was blessed with the opportunity of doing my MA thesis at TEDS
on Rom 8:31-39. I concluded that the OS in Rom 8:32 refers back to the
THEOS of v. 31. I agreed with BAGD that the GE is intensive. That is,
it magnifies the idea expressed in the clause--that God gave His own Son
for us. The fact that the parallel TIS?...THEOS and TIS?..CHRISTOS
constructions (vv. 33-34) do not contain a causal sense in their
respective response clauses seems to argue that the OS GE clause (itself
a response clause--responding to the TIS KATH HMWN of v. 31) is not
being used in a causal sense (contra Argyle). I hope this helps.

May the Lord bless you!

Chris Vlachos
Professor of NT Greek
Utah Institute for Biblical Studies
Salt Lake City, Utah

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