Re: B-Greek Parameters and Lexical Referents

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Wed Jul 09 1997 - 20:29:05 EDT

At 3:37 PM -0400 7/9/97, Jonathan Robie wrote:
>At 02:13 PM 7/9/97 +0400, Carlton Winbery wrote:
>>If we all try and use these parameters, when we step over a bit (without
>>malice), no one is going to get zapped. Some discussions are a matter of
>>judgment. Use the best you have.
>And if you *do* get lightly zapped, it isn't any big deal. I just got
>lightly zapped myself, because it really *was* time to stop beating a
>particular dead horse. OK, I found it a little embarrassing, but then I
>moved on to another topic. Fortunately, most people here are quite gracious,
>so it is a safe place to make mistakes.
>Don't let it spook you!

I think you know very well, don't you, that you were not (at least not
intentionally) zapped at all; if your name was used (I hope you wouldn't
say exploited) it was in order to keep from singling out one individual. My
problem is that I can't even state an opinion without someone thinking I've
passed a law. But perhaps we've talked too sternly about avoiding
theological issues when most of us are really aware that we're trying to
avoid theological firestorms, precisely because the line between the
academic and the existential discussion on this list is so thin!

I thought Carlton's tone and substance were just right. I hope there's no
need to say anything further than that. And you underscored a very good
point. Perhaps I should add another note: that Edward zapped me last week?

Ciao, c

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(704) 675-4243 OR

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