Re: E-Mail replies and B-Greek (was: "apologies galore")

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Sat Jul 12 1997 - 17:38:35 EDT

>Carl et al:
>Thanks much for the Eudoralight URL, Carl, and for your gracious
>acceptance of apologies. I'll certainly check out Eudora Light.
>Just to let the list know, I have been using the Juno mailer (also free
>software). Actually, it really is a pretty good mailer, except for two
>things: it tends to chop previous messages up when you reply to them,
>and I have found that even though you supposedly have the option of
>responding to sender only, or to all recipients, when I hit the latter
>and check all recipients (including cc) it is evident I have been sending
>to the list, even though it said otherwise. Carl brought this to my
>attention and even showed some addresses totally foreign to me. Whence
>cometh they? I dunno.

A friendly warning, Paul. Eudora Light is a marvellous program. But once
you have it you will, like me, want to get its later version, Eudora Pro,
which I use. Neither version has never done strange things for me, such as
you describe the Juno Mailer doing. But Eudora Pro has so many features
that you may covet it later. Once sho has been there and done that.

*Edgar Krentz, Prof. of New Testament *
* Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago *
* 1100 East 55th Street *
* CHICAGO IL 60615 *
* TEL.: 773-256-0752 FAX: 773-256-0782 *
* Office: OR HOME: *

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