Re: 1 Cor 11:3-5

Date: Sun Jul 06 1997 - 16:17:41 EDT

In a message dated 7/5/1997 8:08:47 PM,
(Jeffrey Gibson) wrote:

<<(2) The kind of woman who went about Corinth without a head covering was,
I believe, a prostitute.

As far as I know, and for that matter the commentataors, the evidence for
women covering their heads in Corinth and Greco Roman culture is wanting.
Most of the art work from the period show women (who are not prostitutes)
without head coverings. However, it was a Jewish custom. But this is a
predominately Gentile church. As far a KEFALH being a metaphor in 4-6, I
entertained the thought, but rejected it becausae it would soon become
nonsense when the discussion turns to shaving the head. "Any man who who
prays or prophesies with Christ under authority dishonors Christ, but any
woman who prays or prophesies with her husband not under authority, dishonors
her husband--it is the same as if her husband were shaven." The difficulties
of this interpretation should be obvious. In what sense would be Christ under
authority or the husband not be under authority and the man or woman
respectively be responsible?

Charles Powell

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