Re: Greek Help?

From: lakr (
Date: Tue Aug 26 1997 - 16:57:35 EDT

> I'd translate (as literally as I can): "For even as (hWSPER) the Father has
> life in himself, just so (hOUTWS) did he give (EDWKEN) to the Son (the
> ability/capacity/authority--I think EXOUSIAN is implicit here) to have life."
> Regards, cwc
> Carl W. Conrad

I've been curious for some time about this passage as to what exactly is
meant by the phrase 'EXEI ZWHN EN EAUTW'.

The LJS9 indicates that the word 'EXOUSIAN' (found at John 5:27, regarding
the judging) is related to EXESTI. I realize that usage is more important
than etymology, and I don't know how reliable these references are in
any lexicon, even Liddel Scott, however I always get the sense that such
'authority' is always delegated from someone else. The other word I
associate with power is DUNAMIS, and I would think that this is more an
inner quality. If Christ is given to 'EXEI ZWHN EN EAUTW' in the same
manner as (hWSPER) the Father, the nuance of a delegated authority
or as the meaning of EXESTI alludes (it is allowable), does not seem to
fit with the ability of the Father, who gets authority from no one.
Perhaps I am reading too much into the comparison between the Father and
the Son is this regard as descriptive of the nature of the 'ZWHN
EXEIN EN EAUTW' of the Son.

I get an entirely different feeling about the usage of EXOUSIAN in verse
27, since one does not need any innate quality to pronounce judgement
(KRISIS). There it fits that the son 'has permission' to perform the
judgement as given to him by the Father. But in the sense of the Son
acquiring the ability or power to raise the dead -- to have life in
himself -- as the Father has life in himself, authority seems too
weak a word to describe that.

I hope this thread continues a bit longer so I can learn more about it,
as I have exhausted my meager thoughts on the subject.

Larry Kruper

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