Re: ALLOS and Jn. 1:1c/Was Anarthrous Subject

From: Stephen C. Carlson (
Date: Sun Sep 07 1997 - 02:38:51 EDT

At 04:19 9/6/97 EDT, Paul S. Dixon wrote:
>It does follow. The parameters or factors of this statistical
>probability problem are given only as: pre-copulative anarthrous
>predicate nominatives in the Gospel of John. Now, it was determined that
>94% of those are qualitative. So, given a pre-copulative anathrous
>predicate nominative in the Gospel of John we can say the statistical
>probability that it is anarthrous is quite high, about 94% (technically,
>we should not include the sample as part of this here; thus 49 of 52, but
>still 94%).
>Sure, if you consider other factors, then the probability might change.
>But, this does not affect the validity of my findings.

I do not wish to dispute the correctness of your observations of the data;
however, the validity of your conclusion is the same as the argument that
since most humans in the world have dark hair (e.g. China, India, Africa,
Latin America), it is therefore likely that Swedes have dark hair.

>>Fortunately, the Rev. Thomas Bayes (d. 1761) realized,
>>in a theorem that now bears his name, that in considering how new
>>information affects prior probabilities, one must look at the relative
>>The word QEOS is definite with some prior probability, P(D), which may
>>be estimated from examining the literature. We are interested in
>>assessing the probability that this word is definite given the new
>information >that it is (A)narthrous and (P)recedes the verb, or in a
>mathematical notation,
>The information you cite here is not new information. It was included in
>my parameters.

"New information" is a term of art in probability theory, and it has a
specific meaning in the application of Bayes Theorem. In this example,
the fact that QEOS in Jn1:1c is anarthrous and precedes the verb is "new
information" based on way the conditional probability in the initial
statement of the problem was set up. Since the rest of your response
appears predicated on a different understanding of this technical term,
I will eschew the customary point-by-point (and interminable) rebuttal.

Stephen Carlson

Stephen C. Carlson                   : Poetry speaks of aspirations,              : and songs chant the words. :               -- Shujing 2.35

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