1 Jn 2:8-11 and the New Commandment

From: Paul S. Dixon (dixonps@juno.com)
Date: Thu Sep 25 1997 - 00:36:16 EDT

It seems strange that John brings up the new commandment
in 1 Jn 2:8, but does not really give the commandment in the
following verses.

What he does do, however, is say that the new commandment
ESTIN ALHQES EN AUTWi KAI hUMIN. How does that strike
you? It must be pretty well understood to these readers that
John had the commandment of Christ in mind as found in
John 15:9-17, that is, that you love one another. But, that John
says that this commandment was "true in Him and in you" can
only mean that he recognized this commandment was being
fulfilled by them. This fits in well, of course, with John's purpose.
He wants to assure these believers that they have eternal life. He
says this just before giving his next test, the test of love (vv 9-11),
possibly they be overcome with doubts.

What think ye?

Dr. Paul S. Dixon, Pastor
Wilsonville, Oregon

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