Re: Acts 2:38

From: Raziel 613 (
Date: Thu Jan 08 1998 - 00:29:29 EST

In a message dated 98-01-07 22:23:41 EST, I wrote:

 <My primary question is whether EIS AFESIN TWN hAMARTWN hUMWN can <modify
BAPTISQHTW hEKASTOS hUMWN or whether it can only modify <METANOHSATE. I have
been told that since BAPTISQHTW is a third person <SINGULAR imperative aorist
passive it cannot be modified by EIS AFESIN TWN <
<hAMARTWN hUMWN because BAPTISQHTW doesn't agree with the phrase in p

<SNIP> etc

I just went back and looked through the archives and found that there has been
a whole lot of discussion on this verse in the past. Sorry about that. Please
ignore my question as there is already plenty to chew on in the archives.


James Maeser

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