Re: genitive

From: Paul S. Dixon (
Date: Wed Feb 11 1998 - 13:12:43 EST

On Tue, 10 Feb 1998 19:06:10 +0400 Carlton Winbery
<> writes:
>Paul Dixon wrote;
>>Has anybody ever heard of a genitive of advantage, or of any other
>>possible examples of such? There is a dative of advantage. Just
>>wondering. That would seem to be a good possibility here, if so.
>Yes, Paul. I've seen reference to a genitive of advantage, but
>with the preposition PERI, PROS or hUPER. However, Jim Brooks and I
>think that there are examples of a genitive of advantage without
>prepositions in Col 4:9 ". . .open a door for the word." or Acts 4:9 "a
good work >for a sick man . . ." The example from I Tim 4:12 seems to me
to fit this.
>It would be far better than trying to make a noun of action of TUPOS.
>this is needless multiplication of categories then perhaps genitive of
>reference (I think that would be closer to "pertinentive" if that means
>pertaining to?). It seems clear to me that Timothy is to do something
>benefits people who are described by the adjective (substantival)

Much thanks. This is great. I had never heard of a genitive of
advantage, but now see at least three possible examples of such. Col 4:3
(not 4:9; it must have been you were already thinking ahead of Acts 4:9
[Isn't textual criticism fun?]) especially seems clear-cut.

Paul Dixon

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