Love feasts in Jude 12

From: Braulio Barillas (
Date: Sun Feb 15 1998 - 13:54:01 EST

>Return-Path: <>
>From: Paul Zellmer <>
>Subject: Love feasts in Jude 12
>X-Version: Mail Call 1.5c
>Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 14:54:06 -0800
>Jude has been giving me problems. And just when I think I get to a
>phrase I understand, all other translations take a unique jog and leave
>me behind.
>Could someone please explain to me why AGAPAIS in Jude 12 is
>translated, "love feasts" by many if not all the common versions? I
>looked in vain for a textual variant here. Is the plural form changing
>the noun to "+counting" and the English word "love", when used to
>translate AGAPE, is considered "-counting"? Or is there something in
>the way the Fathers use AGAPE in the plural to refer to love feasts?
>Please, what's going on here?
AGAPAIS is a dative plural of AGAPN in Jude 12 is translated for "love
feasts" no for the meaning of the word itself otherwise not to make a
context. Popular versions use it in this form, but study versions use it in
For example the version NIV (Zondervan) use together also Torres Amat. Use
separately the version Jerusalen, Saint Joseph Textbook Edition (catholic
Book Publihing Com. NY). When find "love feasts" we should think that is
fraternality feast whose interest is'nt God, Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit,
brother, then it refers to an activity pagan. Saint Paul give ligth to
respect in 1Co.11:17-22. Conclusion separate SIVEVWQOIMEVOI from AGAPAIS to
a better understanding of the words and context.
                Hope this helps to clarify your worry.
                        Braulio Barillas

Braulio Barillas

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