RE: James Jackson and the present participle

From: Daniel J Baker (
Date: Sat Mar 14 1998 - 22:46:40 EST

Dear Mr. Jackson,

That was an intriguing entry. I wonder, however, if you might be
overstating the significance of the present participle in these matters.
Certainly John did this deliberately and we should mark the reasons for
this, but to impose upon the text that John's intention was the gloss,
"whoever believes continually and does not cease to believe will be
saved" might be trying to make the participle do too much. As to the
doctrine of eternal security, it is not based upon these texts but rather
texts such as John 6:35-51 and the logic that if we are not saved by our
own merits (faith included) then how can we remain in grace by our own
merits (continuing in faith, etc.).


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