Re: **skivvies**

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Tue Mar 31 1998 - 06:30:44 EST

At 7:52 PM -0600 3/30/98, Paul S. Dixon wrote:
>Well, word must have gotten out among the squirrels that the Dixon home
>was an easy score. Pretty soon there was a Moma and two little baby
>squirrels running along the telephone line regularly to the roof. But,
>as cute as they were, something had to be done. They can eat through
>insulation, wires and even walls. To make a long story short: they are
>gone and we no longer hear the pitter pat of running feet late at night
>in the attic of our home. By the way, we no longer hear the pitter pat
>of our 7 children as they are all grown and mostly gone from home. We
>did return late last night, however, from a trip to Alabama (we live in
>Oregon) where I successfully married off one of our lovely girls.
>Thanks for your patience, Carl. Just thought I'd wrap up this skivvies
>thread with the story of its origin.

As I recall, I'm the one who renewed the SKIOUROS thing, which went on to
the etymology of "eschew" and "skivvies" in assorted versions from
different continents. Now we know the whole story of how the original
"squirrels in the attic" things started a couple years ago, and I
appreciate it. I think it's been fun; I don't think any theological toes
have been burned, and while some may say, with some reason, that it's much
ado about nothing, let's call it a contribution to Bonhomie on the list.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649 OR

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