I Cor. 14:18

From: Eric Weiss (eweiss@gte.net)
Date: Mon Jun 22 1998 - 22:38:36 EDT

N-A 27 gives the following variants:

assume there is a I subscript in the variant - dative/instrumental] LALW
[LALWN (TR/Majority Text) / LALEIN].

The MOU and GLWSSAIS/GLWSSHi variant don't concern me. The other
variants would be these renderings, I guess:

a) I give thanks to God, more than all of you in/with tongues I speak =
I give thanks to God that I speak in tongues more than
all of you. This is the N-A choice.

b) I give thanks to God, more than all of you speaking in tongues = I
give thanks to God by speaking in tongues more than all
of you, i.e.:
b.1.) I thank God in tongues more than all of you. This might be
supported by the preceding verses (14:16-17) which have to do with
giving thanks in tongues
b.2.) I give thanks to God, speaking in tongues more than all of you
(similar to a) above).

c) I give thanks to God, more than all of you to speak in tongues = I
give thanks to God [that I = reason] speak in tongues
more than all of you (I guess that would be it - I'm not sure how to
translate the infinitive variant LALEIN]

I'm divided between a) and b.1.). The context, including 14:19, seems to
allow for either of these options - so I guess it comes down to the
textual variant, i.e., LALW or LALWN. Would he be saying that he is
thankful that he speaks in tongues more than all the Corinthians, or
that he thanks God in tongues more than all the Corinthians? Or
something else?

What reasons might be given for favoring these options - or any other
options you know about?


"Eric S. Weiss"

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