Re: Harmony of the Gospels Revisited

From: Nichael Lynn Cramer (
Date: Sat Jul 04 1998 - 23:06:05 EDT

Jim West wrote:
>Just a word of clarification- such "harmonies" offer some editor's
>reconstruction of a possible chronological order. It may be a tad too much
>to claim that if one follows a highlighted path, one will find an accurate
>roadmap to the chronological life of Jesus.
>One tiny example may suffice:
>In this harmony (which I have never seen)- how is the following problem

And if I may just stress two points made earlier in this discussion: 1]
Jim's example shows just one of many examples of why a true "harmony" is
--in principle-- not possible and 2] in case, while such attempts at
harmonization may be useful in efforts to "popularize" the Gosples they,
unfortunately, have the net effect of eradicating the distinct view and
theological perspective that the various evangelists bring to their work
--and as such their use is detrimental to serious study of the Gospels,
either from a scholarly or from theological perspective.

Nichael Cramer nulla dies sine linea

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