Re: Taped NT (Oral interpretation. of GNT)

From: Richard Lindeman (
Date: Wed Jul 15 1998 - 23:56:30 EDT

clayton stirling bartholomew wrote:
> If I am correct, what you are asking for is an oral interpretation of the GNT.
> This is a tall order. There are very few people who are capable of doing an
> oral interpertation of the NT in their native language. To pull this off I
> suspect you will have to find some one with a vast amount of "verbal" Greek
> experience in addition to some training and much practice in oral
> interpretation. If you find such a person then they will probably have already
> made a recording of the GNT.

Yes, an oral interpretation... but probably not on the kind of grand
scale you are thinking of.
I think that we all do oral interpretations in our own native languages
whenever we read something out loud to others. We may not be orators,
but we usually do a good enough job of it to communicate intellegently
to others. I am not looking for a Greek counterpart to the Alexander
Scourby rendition of the KJV. But I think that we probably do have a
fair number of people here on B-Greek who are capable of reading
segments of the NT out loud with at least a bit of fluency. Yes, it
would take some work (it would for me anyway). But anything that is
worthwhile usually does.

Rich Lindeman

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